girl next door - toby fox
my fucking kinlist!!
current shift: susie
wtf ok so like i do NOT voluntarily "kin." kin isnt a verb, it's not a choice, and you dont do it for fun. it's a spiritual / psychological part of one's identity.. please educate yourself instead of misusing the term.

i wouldnt even consider these kintypes? they're just me? but they're here anyways because they border on being LITERALLY ME and just being my kintypes but please dont seperate them from me like at all and don't treat their sources like fiction.
lesser me's that are not NEARLY as strong as the me's from before but yeah. (seperation from these kintypes is ok! treating their sources like fiction is ok!) BY THE WAY if you're on desktop you can hover over the images to see their name, source and if i'm ok with doubles or not, keep that in mind.
otherkin + therian
these are my otherkin and therian identities, obviously. lives where i wasn't a human, but not a part of pre-existing fiction either.